One of the leading
smartphones at the instant is the Samsung Galaxy S5, an Android flagship device
that has won high admire and a lot of fans. It has been available now for a
couple of months and occasionally any issues with a device aren’t noticed straight
away. Now a Samsung Galaxy S5 build problem has been reported.
Someone who is in fact a phone reviewer, who felt provoked
to issue a warning about the Galaxy S5 via a YouTube video, has noted this topic.
Bottom piece of his device is really broken as one of the
flaps at the bottom of the handset has broken down , and you can see this evidently
shown. We don’t identify whether this is a trouble that many owners of the
phone have encountered, and notesed that as a phone reviewer he
may not be quite so careful with his device as other users.
However, he does tension that the phone wasn't dropped and
the flap was simply opened in the usual way. As the phone is only just over two
months old we wouldn't expect parts to be breaking away, although these pieces
of plastic do look attractive flimsy. As a result of this damage the Samsung Galaxy S5 is no longer waterproof.
We’d in fact like to get an idea of how extensive this
problem is so if you have the Samsung Galaxy S5 we’d like to hear from you. Has
your device remained in ideal condition or have you also experienced this
breakage trouble, or really any other issue? Let us know by sending us your